Keeping pace with my two lil’ kids’ various appointments, managing my workshops’ activities, along with the family responsibilities, relationships, social networking, home management(bills deadlines, groceries refilling, cleaning and maintenance, handling maids & their tantrums….phew!!).it really some times gets overwhelming on your nerves. 

Following are some of the thinkers, which help me in maintaining my sanity, and in making multitasking much easier. 

A) Being without words (no mental dialogues too) for some time during the day does wonders, just try to vacate your mind of any thoughts for 10 min. and you will feel the rejuvenating effect. 

B) Try to live in the present moment, consciously clap or tap if you notice that mental thoughts are taking you either to your past or to your future. 

C) Write a list of your sweet memories (eg: your baby’s first recognition smile) try to recall any one of them when feeling down, this will magically cheer you up instantly. 

D) At the end of the day, imagine yourself plugging-in with God/Almighty (in the same way as you charge your mobile) this thought will have an immensely positive impact.

Try to implement any of these thinkers and most definitely you are going to feel the changes in your state of mind.


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